O seriado não explodiu em termos de audiência imediatamente, mas já na segunda temporada tornou-se um dos programas mais vistos dos EUA. De acordo com os atores, e até mesmo os criadores (em seus comentários em DVD) dizem que já na 4ª temporada a série estava no topo da cultura pop, a ponto de todos temerem pelo futuro, tal era a superexposição do elenco, aparecendo em centenas de capas de revistas de todo o mundo. Contudo, o sucesso continuou perene, e na temporada 2001-2002, Friends foi o programa mais assistido da televisão americana (Fonte: Nielsen).
A fonte do sucesso, segundo os próprios atores e criadores, foi a união indiscutível, não havendo, que se conheça, qualquer guerra de egos, ou desentendimentos entre os atores com a produção e a NBC. Com relação aos astronômicos salários, é sabido que Lisa Kudrow foi a líder inconteste das negociações, chegando a afirmar que unidos eles eram mais fortes.
Essa união é representada por algumas atitudes tomadas em grupo, como a decisão de não se deixarem indicar para o Emmy separadamente (tanto que Matthew Perry chegou a pedir que retirassem seu nome da lista de candidatos a “melhor ator de comédia” em um dos anos da série), somente em grupo; e também o apoio dado a Matthew Perry quando do ápice da sua dependência química.
Praticamente tudo no programa era um sucesso. A música-tema, I’ll Be There For You do grupo The Rembrandts, foi criada especialmente para a série, e em pouco tempo tornou-se o símbolo do estrondoso êxito chamado Friends. A canção, antes gravada apenas para a abertura, numa versão menor, foi refeita quando começou a ser tocada por um DJ do Tennessee e chegou ao número 17 da famosa lista da BillBoard de canções mais tocadas.
O legado cultural de Friends não foi tão avassalador quanto o sucesso trazido ao longo dos 10 anos de exibição, mas sem dúvida alguma marcou a história da tevê mundial ao trazer às telas um grupo de seis personagens com histórias próximas da realidade, e catapultou ao estrelato atores até então de “segunda categoria”. O maior trunfo da série, talvez, tenha sido tornar-se o símbolo mor da cultura pop da metade da década de 1990 à primeira metade da década de 2000.
1a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
1x01 - The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate -> Rapidshare
1x02 - The One with the Sonogram at the End -> Rapidshare
1x03 - The One with the Thumb -> Rapidshare
1x04 - The One with George Stephanopoulos -> Rapidshare
1x05 - The One With The East German Laundry Detergent -> Rapidshare
1x06 - The One With The Butt -> Rapidshare
1x07 - The One With The Blackout -> Rapidshare
1x08 - The One Where Nana Dies Twice -> Rapidshare
1x09 - The One Where Underdog Gets Away -> Rapidshare
1x10 - The One With The Monkey -> Rapidshare
(novos links) 1x11 - The One With Mrs. Bing -> Filefactory - Fileit - Easyshare
1x12 - The One With The Dozen Lasagnas -> Rapidshare
1x13 - The One With The Boobies -> Rapidshare
1x14 - The One With The Candy Hearts -> Rapidshare
1x15 - The One With The Stoned Guy -> Rapidshare
1x16/17 - The One With Two Parts (1) -> Megaupload - Megaupload2
1x18 - The One With All The Poker -> Rapidshare
1x19 - The One Where The Monkey Gets Away -> Rapidshare
1x20 - The One With The Evil Orthodontist -> Rapidshare
1x21 - The One With The Fake Monica -> Rapidshare
1x22 - The One With The Ick Factor -> Rapidshare
1x23 - The One With The Birth -> Rapidshare
1x24 - The One Where Rachel Finds Out (Season Finale) -> Rapidshare
2a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
2x01 - The One With Ross's New Girlfriend -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x02 - The One With The Breast Milk -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x03 - The One Where Heckles Dies -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x04 - The One With Phoebe's Husband -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x05 - The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x06 - The One with the Baby on the Bus -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x07 - The One Where Ross Finds Out -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x08 - The One With The List -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x09 - The One With Phoebe's Dad -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x10 - The One With Russ -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x11 - The One With The Lesbian Wedding -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x12/13 - The One After The Super Bowl (1/2) -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare 01,02
2x14 - The One With The Prom Video -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x15 - The One Where Ross And Rachel...You Know -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x16 - The One Where Joey Moves Out -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x17 - The One Where Eddie Moves In -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x18 - The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x19 - The One Where Eddie Won't Go -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x20 - The One Where Old Yeller Dies -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x21 - The One With The Bullies -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x22 - The One With The Two Parties -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Easyshare
2x23 - The One With The Chicken Pox -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x24 - The One With Barry And Mindy's Wedding (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
3x01 - The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x02 - The One Where No One's Ready -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x03 - The One With The Jam -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace - Sendspace2
3x04 - The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x05 - The One With Frank Jr. -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x06 - The One With The Flashback -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x07 - The One With The Race Car Bed -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x08 - The One With The Giant Poking Device -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x09 - The One With The Football -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x10 - The One Where Rachel Quits -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x11 - The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x12 - The One With All The Jealousy -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Sendspace
3x13 - The One Where Monica And Richard Are Just Friends -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Sendspace2
3x14 - The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x15 - The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break (1) -> Megaupload - Megaupload2 - Megaupload3 - Sendspace - Sendspace2
3x16 - The One With The Morning After (2) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x17 - The One Without The Ski Trip -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x18 - The One With The Hypnosis Tape -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x19 - The One With The Tiny T-Shirt -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x20 - The One With The Dollhouse -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x21 - The One With A Chick And A Duck -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x22 - The One With The Screamer -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x23 - The One With Ross's Thing -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x24 - The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x25 - The One At The Beach (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
4a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
4x01 - Tow The Jellyfish -> Megaupload
4x02 - Tow The Cat -> Megaupload
4x03 - Tow The -> Megaupload
4x04 - Tow The Ballroom Dancing -> Megaupload
4x05 - Tow Joey -> Megaupload
4x06 - Tow The Dirty Girl -> Megaupload
4x07 - Tow Chandler Crosses The Line -> Megaupload
4x08 - Tow Chandler In A Box -> Megaupload
4x09 - Tow They -> Megaupload
4x10 - Tow The Girl From Poughkeepsie -> Megaupload
4x11 - Tow Phoebe -> Megaupload
4x12 - Tow The Embryos -> Megaupload
4x13 - Tow Rachel's Crush -> Megaupload
4x14 - Tow Joey Dirt Day -> Megaupload
4x15 - Tow All The Rugby -> Megaupload
4x16 - Tow The Fake Party -> Megaupload
4x17 - Tow The Free Porn -> Megaupload
4x18 - Tow Rachel -> Megaupload
4x19 - Tow All The Haste -> Megaupload
4x20 - Tow All The Wedding Dresses -> Megaupload
4x21 - Tow The Invitation -> Megaupload
4x22 - Tow The Worst Best Man Ever -> Megaupload
4x23/24 - Tow Ross (Season Finale) -> Megaupload
5a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
5x01 - Tow Says Rachel -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x02 - Tow All The Kissing -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x03 - Tow The Triplets -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x04 - Tow Phoebe Hates Pbs -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x05 - Tow The Kips -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x06 - Tow The Yeti -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x07 - Tow Ross Moves In -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x08 - Tow All The Thanksgivings -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x09 - Tow Ross's Sandwich -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x10 - Tow The Inapropriate Sister -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x11 - Tow All The Resolutions -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x12 - Tow Chandler's Working Laugh -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x13 - Tow Joey's Bag -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x14 - Tow Everybody Finds Out -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x15 - Tow The Girl Who Hits Joey -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x16 - Tow The Cop -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x17 - Tow Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x18 - Tow Rachel Smokes -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x19 - Tow Ross Can't Flirt -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x20 - Tow The Ride-Along -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x21 - Tow The Ball -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x22 - Tow Joey's Big Break -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x23/24 - The One In Vegas (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
6x01 - The One After Vegas -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x02 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x03 - The One With Ross's Denial -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x04 - The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x05 - The One With Joey´S Porsche -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x06 - The One On The Last Night -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x07 - The One Where Phoebe Runs -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x08 - The One With Ross´s Teeth -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x09 - The One With Ross Got Hih -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x10 - The One With The Routine -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x11 - The One With The Apothecary Table -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x12 - The One With The Joke -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x13 - The One With Rachel´S Sister -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x14 - The One Where Candler Can´t Cry -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x15/16 - The One That Could Have Been, Part I and Part II -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x17 - The One With Unagi -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x18 - The One Where Ross Dates A Student -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x19 - The One With Joey´S Fridge -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x20 - The One ith Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x21 - The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth´S Dad -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x22 - The One Where Paul´S The Man -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x23 - The One With The Ring -> Megaupload - Sendspace
6x24/6x25 - The One With The Proposal, Part I And Part II (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
7a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
7x01 - Tow Monica's Thunder -> Megaupload
7x02 - Tow Rachel's Book -> Megaupload
7x03 - Tow Phoebe's Cookies -> Megaupload
7x04 - Tow Rachel's Assistant -> Megaupload
7x05 - Tow The Engagement Picture -> Megaupload
7x06 - Tow The Nap Partners -> Megaupload
7x07 - Tow Ross's Library Book -> Megaupload
7x08 - Tow Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs -> Megaupload
7x09 - Tow All The Candy -> Megaupload
7x10 - Tow The Holiday Armadillo -> Megaupload
7x11 - Tow All The Cheesecakes -> Megaupload
7x12 - Tow They're Up All Night -> Megaupload
7x13 - Tow Rosita Dies -> Megaupload
7x14 - Tow They All Turn Thirty -> Megaupload
7x15 - Tow Joey's New Brain -> Megaupload
7x16 - Tow The Truth About London -> Megaupload
7x17 - Tow The Cheap Wedding Dress -> Megaupload
7x18 - Tow Joey's Award -> Megaupload
7x19 - Tow Ross and Monica's Cousin -> Megaupload
7x20 - Tow Rachel's Big Kiss -> Megaupload
7x21 - Tow The Vows -> Megaupload
7x22 - Tow Chandler's Dad -> Megaupload
7x23/24 - Tow Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 1 and Part 2 (Season Finale) -> Megaupload
- Sendspace
8a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
8x01 - The One After "I Do" -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x02 - The One With The Red Sweater -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x03 - The One Where Rachel Tells... -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x04 - The One With The Videotape -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x05 - The One With Rachel's Date -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x06 - The One With The Halloween Party -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x07 - The One With The Stain Party -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x08 - The One With The Stripper -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x09 - The One With The Rumour -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x10 - The One With Monica's Boots -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x11 - The One With The Creepy Holiday Card -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x12 - The One Where Joey Dates Rachel -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x13 - The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x14 - The One With The Secret Closet -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x15 - The One With The Birthing Video -> Megaupload - Mihd - Sendspace
8x16 - The One Where Joey Tells Rachel -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x17 - The One With The Tea Leaves -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x18 - The One In Massapequa -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x19 - The One With Joey's Interview -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x20 - The One With The Baby Shower -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x21 - The One With The Cooking Class -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x22 - The One Where Rachel Is Late -> Megaupload - Sendspace
8x23/24 - The One Where Rachel Has a Baby (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
9a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
9x01 - The One Where No One Proposes -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared - Usaupload
9x02 - The One Where Emma Cries -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x03 - The One With the Pediatrician -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared - Gigasize
9x04 - The One With the Sharks -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x05 - The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x06 - The One With the Male Nanny -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared - Gigasize
9x07 - The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x08 - The One With Rachel's Other Sister -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x09 - The One With Rachel's Phone Number -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x10 - The One With Christmas in Tulsa -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x11 - The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare - 4shared
9x12 - The One With Phoebe's Rats -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x13 - The One Where Monica Sings -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x14 - The One With The Blind Dates -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x15 - The One With The Mugging -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x16 - The One With The Boob Job -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x17 - The One With The Memorial Service -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x18 - The One With The Lottery -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x19 - The One With Rachel's Dream -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x20 - The One With The Soap Opera Party -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x21 - The One With The Fertility Test -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared - Usaupload
9x22 - The One With The Donor -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 4shared
9x23/24 - The One In Barbados (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Gigasize
10a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
10x01 - The One After Joey and Rachel Kisss -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x02 - The One Where Ross Is Fine -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x03 - The One with Ross's Tan -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x04 - The One with the Cake -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x05 - The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x06 - The One With Ross's Grant -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x07 - The One with the Home Study -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x08 - The One with the Late Thanksgiving -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x09 - The One with the Birth Mother -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x10 - The One Where Chandler Gets Caught -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x11 - The One Where the Stripper Cries -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x12 - The One with Phoebe's Wedding -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x13 - The One Where Joey Speaks French -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x14 - The One with Princess Consuela -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x15 - The One Where Estelle Dies -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x16 - The One with Rachel's Going Away Party -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x17/18 - The One With All the Other Ones -> Megaupload - Sendspace
10x19/20 - The Last One (Series Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
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