Os amigos e familiares de Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong) não são um estilo de vida para ela... são um estilo de morte. Num dia, em sua casa perfeita, ela decide acabar com sua vida. Agora ela nos mostra do seu ponto de vista, como é a vida de seus amigos e vizinhos.
Entre suas amigas íntimas, que continuam questionando o que aconteceu para ela tomar uma atitude tão drástica, estão Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher, "Lois & Clark"), uma mãe solteira e divorciada; Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman, "Sports Night"), que trocou uma carreira de sucesso por sua família; Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross, "Everwood"), um clone de Martha Stewart; e Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria, "Dragnet"), uma ex-modelo que sempre consegue o que quer.
De seu único e exclusivo ponto de vista, Mary Alice agora vê mais coisas do que quando estava viva, e ela está planejando compartilhar todos os segredos escondidos atrás das portas de cada uma das casas de um aparente subúrbio perfeito.
Um dos maiores fenômenos da televisão dos últimos anos, vencedora de importantes prêmios como Globo de Ouro, Sag Awards, Emmy, dentre outros, tanto para a série como para suas ótimas atrizes.
1a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
1x01 - Pilot -> Rapidshare
1x02 - Ah, But Underneath -> Megashare - YouLove
1x03 - Pretty Little Picture -> Usaupload - Rapidshare 01,02
1x04 - Who's that Woman? -> Usaupload - Rapidshare 01,02
1x05 - Come in, Stranger -> Sendspace
1x06 - Running to Stand Still -> Usaupload - Rapidshare 01,02
1x07 - Anything You Can Do -> Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x08 - Guilty -> Megaupload - Usaupload - Rapidshare 01,02
1x09 - Suspicious Minds -> Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
1x10 - Come Back to Me -> Usaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare 01,02
1x11 - Move On -> Sendspace
1x12 - Every Day a Little Death -> Sendspace
1x13 - Your Fault -> Sendspace
1x14 - Love Is in the Air -> Sendspace
1x15 - Impossible -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1x16 - The Ladies Who Lunch -> Off
1x17 - There Won't Be Trumpets -> Sendspace
1x18 - Children Will Listen -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1x19 - Live Alone and Like It -> Rapidshare - Sendspace
1x20 - Fear No More -> Megaupload - Sendspace
1x21 - Sunday in the Park with George -> Sendspace
1x22 - Goodbye For Now -> Sendspace
1x23 - One Wonderful Day (Season Finale) -> Megaupload
2a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
2x01 - Next -> Sendspace
2x02 - You Could Drive a Person Crazy -> Megaupload
2x03 - You'll Never Get Away From Me -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x04 - My Heart Belongs To Daddy -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x05 - They Asked Me Why I Believe In You -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x06 - I Wish I Could Forget You -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x07 - Color and Light -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x08 - The Sun Won't Set -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x09 - That's Good, That's Bad -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x10 - Coming Home -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x11 - One More Kiss -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x12 - We're Gonna Be All Right -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x13 - There's Something About a War -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x14 - Silly People -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x15 - Thank You So Much -> Sendspace
2x16 - There Is No Other Way -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x17 - Could I Leave You? -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x18 - Everybody Says Don't -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x19 - Don't Look at Me -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x20 - It Wasn't Meant to Happen -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x21 - I Know Things Now -> Sendspace
2x22 - No One Is Alone -> Megaupload - Sendspace
2x23/24 - Remember (1/2) (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
3x01 - Listen to the Rain on the Roof -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo
3x02 - It Takes Two -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x03 - A Weekend in the Country -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo - Megashares
3x04 - Like It Was -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo
3x05 - Nice She Ain't -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Megashares
3x06 - Sweetheart, I Have to Confess -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x07 - Bang -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x08 - Children and Art -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x09 - Beautiful Girls -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x10 - The Miracle Song -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x11 - No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x12 - Not While I'm Around -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x13 - Come Play Wiz Me -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x14 - I Remember That (1) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x15 - The Little Things You Do Together (2) -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x16 - My Husband, The Pig -> Megaupload - Sendspace - 1Click
3x17 - Dress Big -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x18 - Liaisons -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x19 - God, That's Good -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo
3x20 - Gossip -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo
3x21 - Into The Woods -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x22 - What Would We Do Without You? -> Megaupload - Sendspace
3x23 - Getting Married Today (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Badongo
4a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
4x01 - Now You Know -> Usaupload - Sendspace
4x02 - Smiles of a Summer Night -> Megaupload - Usaupload - Sendspace
4x03 - The Game -> Megaupload - Usaupload - Sendspace
4x04 - If There's Anything I Can't Stand -> Flyupload - Sendspace
4x05 - Art Isn't Easy -> Flyupload
4x06 - Now I Know, Don't Be Scared -> Sendspace
4x07 - You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover -> Sendspace
4x08 - Distant Past -> Sendspace
4x09 - Something's Coming -> Usaupload
4x10 - Welcome to Kanagawa -> Sendspace
4x11 - Sunday -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace
4x12 - In Buddy's Eyes -> Filefactory - Sendspace
4x13 - Hello, Little Girl -> Sendspace
4x14 - Opening Doors -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Sendspace - Megashares
4x15 - Mother Said -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Megashares
4x16/17 - The Gun Song / Free (Season Finale) -> Filefactory - Sendspace
5a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):
5x01 - You're Gonne Love Tomorrow -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Filefactory - Rapidshare
5x02 - We're So Happy You're So Happy -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
5x03 - Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
5x04 - Back in Business -> Megaupload - Sendspace
5x05 - Mirror, Mirror -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
5x06 - There's Always a Woman -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare - Uploaded
5x07 - What More Do I Need? -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Rapidshare
5x08 - City on Fire -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Uploaded
5x09 - Me and My Town -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare
5x10 - A Vision's Just a Vision -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Sendspace
5x11 - Home Is the Place -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Filefactory
5x12 - Connect! Connect! -> Megaupload - Rapidshare
5x13 - The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
- SpeedShare
5x14 - Mama Spent Money When She Had None -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare - Uploaded
5x15 - In a World Where the Kings are Employers -> Megaupload - Rapidshare
5x16 - Crime Doesn't Pay -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare - Uploaded
(novo) 5x17 - The Story of Lucy and Jessie -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
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