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Postado em 20 de fevereiro de 2009

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Postado em 18 de fevereiro de 2009

Confira aqui as verdades sobre mitos como "não se deve entrar na água depois de comer" e "saia de perto do computador ou vai ficar cego". O que nossos pais ocultaram de nós quando crianças, você fica sabendo aqui, e agora.


Postado em 17 de fevereiro de 2009

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Postado em 24 de dezembro de 2008

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Postado em 15 de fevereiro de 2009

"Êee... Tá ficando velhinho eim!" Já está na hora de parar de ouvir a mesma coisa todo ano no seu aniversário, não? Veja aqui as dicas para manter o bom humor, a aparência e a forma, mesmo com a idade chegando.


Postado por Mente Cuca On 14:03

Sinopse: À primeira vista, One Tree Hill é a clássica série que coloca dois adolescentes como rivais em algo em que ambos são muitos bons – nesse caso, o basquete – e que existe mais do que uma disputa de egos, mas também uma garota – no caso, Peyton (Hilarie Burton). Mas isso é só à primeira vista.

1a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

1x01 - Pilot -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x02 - The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x03 - Are You True? -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x04 - Crash Into You -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x05 - All That You Can’t Leave Behind -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x06 - Every Night Is Another Story -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x07 - Life In A Glass House -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x08 - The Search For Something More -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x09 - With Arms Outstretched -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x10 - You Gotta Go There To Come Back -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x11 - The Living Years -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x12 - Crash Course In Polite Conversations -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x13 - Hanging By A Moment -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x14 - I Shall Believe -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x15 - Suddenly Everything Has Changed -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x16 - The First Cut Is The Deepest -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x17 - Spirit In The Night -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x18 - To Wish Impossible Things -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x19 - How Can You Be Sure? -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x20 - What Is And What Should Never Be -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x21 - The Leaving Song -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
1x22 - The Games That Play Us (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare

2a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

2x01 - The Desperate Kingdom of Love -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x02 - Truth Doesn t Make Noise -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x03 - Near Wild Heaven -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x04 - You Can t Always Get What You Want. -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x05 - I Will Dare -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x06 - We Might As Well Be Strangers -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x07 - Let the Reigns Go Loose -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x08 - Truth, Bitter Truth -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x09 - The Trick Is To Keep Breathing -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x10 - Don t Take Me for Granted -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x11 - The Heart Brings You Back -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x12 - Between Order and Randomness -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x13 - The Hero Dies In This One -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x14 - Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x15 - Unopened Letters to the World -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x16 - Somewhere A Clock is Ticking -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x17 - Something I Can Never Have -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x18 - The Lonesome Road -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x19 - I m Wide Awake, It s Morning -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x20 - Lifetime Piling Up -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x21 - What Could Have Been -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Rapidshare
2x22/23 - The Tide That Left And Never Came Back/ The Leavers Dance (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace

3a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

3x01 - Like You Like an Arsonist -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x02 - From the Edge Of The Deeo Green Sea -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x03 - First Day on a Brand New Planet -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x04 - An Attempt To Tip The Scales -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x05 - A Multitude Of Casualties -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x06 - Locked Hearts And Hand Grenades -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x07 - Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x08 - The Worst Day Since Yesterday -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x09 - How a Resurrection Really Feels -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x10 - Brave New World -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x11 - Return Of The Future -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x12 - I've Got Dreams to Remember -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x13 - The Wind That Blew My Heart Away -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x14 - All Tomorrow's Parties -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x15 - Just Watch The Fireworks -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x16 - With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x17 - Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x18 - When It Isn't Like It Should Be -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x19 - I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x20 - Everyday Is a Sunday Evening -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x21- Over the Hills and Far Away -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
3x22 - The Show Must Go On (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace

4a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

4x01 - The Same Deep Water As You -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x02 - Things I Forgot at Birth -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x03 - Good News For People Who Love Bad News -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x04 - Can't Stop This Thing We've Started -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x05 - I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x06 - Where Did You Sleep Last Night? -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x07 - All These Things That I ve Done -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x08 - Nothing Left To Say Goodbye -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x09 - Some You Give Away -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x10 - Songs to Love and Die By -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x11 - Everything In Its Right Place -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x12 - Resolve -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x13 - Pictures of You -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x14 - Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x15 - Prom Night at Hater High -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x16 - You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x17 - It Gets the Worst at Night -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x18 - The Runaway Found -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x19 - Ashes of Dreams You Let Die -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x20 - The Birth and Death of the Day -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
4x21 - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace

5a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

5x01 - Four Years, Six Months and Two Days Later -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x02 - Racing Like A Pro -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x03 - My Way Home Is Through You -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x04 - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x05 - I Forgot To Remember To Forget -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x06 - Don't Dream It's Over -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x07 - In Da Club -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x08 - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x09 - For tonight You're only here to know -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x10 - Running to Stand Still -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x11 - Your Gonna Need Someone On Your Side -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x12 - Hundred -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x13 - Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x14 - What Do You Go Home To? -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x15 - Life Is Short -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x16 - Cryin' Won't Help You Now -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x17 - Hate is Safer Than Love -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
5x18 - What Comes After The Blues (Season Finale) -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare

6a Temporada (RMVB Legendado):

6x01 - Touch Me I'm Going to Scream -> Megaupload - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x02 - One Million Billionth of a Millisecond... ->
Megaupload - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x03 - Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x04 - Bridge Over Troubled Water ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x05 - You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It ->
Megaupload - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x06 - Choosing My Own Way of Life ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x07 - Messing With The Kid ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x08 - Our Life Is Not A Movie or Maybe ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
(novos links) 6x09 - Sympathy for the Devil -> Megaupload - Sendspace - Speedshare
6x10 - Even Fairy Tale Characters Would be Jealous ->
Megaupload - Speedshare - Filefactory - Uploaded
6x11 - We Three (My Echo, My Shadow and Me) ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x12 - You've Got To Be Kidding Me ->
Megaupload - Rapidshare - Sendspace
6x13 - Things a Mama Don't Know -> Megaupload - Speedshare - Sendspace
6x14 - A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace - Megaupload (90mb) - Rapidshare (90mb) - Easyshare (90mb)
6x15 - We Change, We Wait -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Speedshare - Sendspace - Megaupload2 - Speedshare2 - Sendspace2
6x16 - Screenwriter's Blues -> Megaupload - Rapidshare - Sendspace
(novo) 6x17 - You And Me And The Bottle Makes Three Tonight -> Megaupload - Filefactory - Uploaded - Sendspace

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